Atarangi Anderson
Atarangi Anderson
Atarangi Anderson
Atarangi Anderson
Atarangi Anderson
Atarangi Anderson
Atarangi Anderson
Atarangi Anderson
Atarangi Anderson
Atarangi Anderson

Artist bio
Atarangi Anderson (Te Aitanga a Hauiti, Ngati Hauiti) is a multidisciplinary, artist most well known for their painting & barkcloth making.
Her painting practise is often focused on human experience and a mix of social and natural environments. Her work draws deeply into her Māoritanga, whakapapa, and her life journey of continually seeking an equilibrium. The connection with Aute and the process to create her pieces are a natural weaving of ideas, textures and experiences, which are a reflection of the relations which connect and bind us to all, the past present and future in one continual conversation.
IG: atarangia